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Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 18:44:22 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
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Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #148
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Thu, 22 Jul 93 Volume 11 : Issue 148
Today's Topics:
[!] Pugh Archive Going Away
[*] New at the 4D Archive
[*] Voodoo 1.4 - The version control tool
(Q) "Unable to put away disk" problem.
(Q) printer switch when both ports used
(R) Uploading Info-Mac to AOL (C)
32-bit Enabler
Amplification of sound
AOL and Stuffit
Apple-Link (A)
Appleshare Crapout/Mirror CDROM drivers
Atease HACK
Binary - Decimal XCMD
Can't get past "Welcome Screen" (R)
Centris upgrade path to PowerPC [R]
Clip art of Macintoshes...
Controlling LaserDisc Player from HyperCard
Express modems for the Powerbook 180
External HD connection to PowerBook 140
Free memory?? What gives?? (MacOS memory layout policies)
HD Lockdown
How best to get a Mac over continent? (Q)
How to set the absolute location of HyperCard Windoids (Q)
Info-Mac Digest V11 #147
Internet: macromind tour (Q)
Keyboard bugs etc....
Key quirks--Round 2.0.1
LaserWriter 8 and A4 paper as the default (R)
Lw 8 Out Of Paper Bug
MacTCP on a Quadra 800
MacTCP v2.x
MacWorld/Boston info (A)
NCSA Telnet
NEC LC 8xx printers
No need for SCSI cable gripe!
PowerBook 100 need help
PowerBook styled keyboard(Q)
Query about Serial LaserWriter drivers
Random Number Generator
Random Number Generator (A)
Rapmaster NOT! (Q)
Sigma LaserView help needed
System 7.1 & 7.1.1 Questions
Tab key in Hypercard
Typing tutors (Q)
Update on Word 5.1/IIci Prob
uuparse etc.
Video Compact vs. Video (Quicktime) (Q)
When should I purchase a Apple CD300
WonderPrint/DeltaTao Address (Q)
Zapping PRAM
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 16:18:57 -0800
From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh)
Subject: [!] Pugh Archive Going Away
If you haven't figured it out by now, my archive at ftp.apple.com will be
vanishing soon, so I recommend anyone wanting some of the way cool pictures
stored there to grab them ASAP!
I will be uploading my software to Sumex over the next few days with new
contact information since one of the reasons for creating my archive on
ftp.apple.com was that Sumex was out of disk space and that is no longer
the case.
[ Hey, Bill and/or Gordon, it might be cool to publish the current archive
size occasionally so that we can see our disk being put to use and watch
how quickly it gets filled. ]
However, the point here is that the many megs of pictures and movies I have
stored on ftp.apple.com may no longer be available on the net since I have
to pay for disk storage here and altruism only goes so far. Info-Mac
doesn't need all that stuff, particularly when I don't have time to binhex
it all.
[ Gordon, if you can take MacBinary files in the Incoming directory, I can
slop the movies over, but if not, they are history. I don't hink you want
the whole kit and kaboodle. ]
So, check out ftp.apple.com as soon as you can. /pub/pugh is full of
directories of stuff. Most of the .hqx files will be sent to Sumex.
Everything else will die. Here's a complete list:
Jon Pugh's Software on ftp.apple.com
Call (408) 428-9767
Email: jonpugh@netcom.com
Last Update: Fri, 26 Feb 1993
Files in /pub/pugh: (These will be available on Sumex soon!)
appletalkon.sit.hqx - AppleTalkOn application extension
Keeps AppleTalk loaded into memory and can always turn it on if
randomizer.hqx - Randomizer 1.2 (INIT)
Changes files (startupscreens) at boot
switchbeep.sit.hqx - SwitchBeep 1.5.3 (cdev)
Changes beep snd at boot
showsizes.cpt.hqx - ShowSizes 2.2.2 (APPL)
Displays HD space usage
FKEY to turn AppleTalk on and off w/o Chooser. v3.
App to turn PICTs into SCRNs and back via drag and drop.
FKEY to restart the Finder
Files in /pub/pugh/quicktime: (VANISHING!)
These are all MacBinary files. I do not have the time or energy to segment,
binhex or mail them, so please don't ask.
deadrockers.bin - Dead Rockers
A song from _Steven Banks: Home Entertainment Center_ about death & rock
and roll. Very twisted and very funny.
mandelzoom.bin - MandelZoom 2
A fast zoom into the Mandelbrot set.
stephenking.bin - Steven King
Doing a humerous commercial for Comedy Central
tincancan.bin - Tin Can Can
A dancing soda can animation from _The Golden Child_
georgejungle.bin - George of the Jungle
The intro to the cartoon by Jay Ward of Bullwinkle fame.
superchicken.bin - Super Chicken
Another intro to a Jay Ward cartoon
tomslick.bin - Tom Slick
This one rounds out the Jay Ward cartoon trio.
quayleseason.bin - Quayle Season
A movie illustrating why Dan Quayle is Vice-President
Files in /pub/pugh/afterdark: (These will be available on Sumex soon!)
galaxy881.sit.hqx - Galaxy881
AfterDark module that displays a slowly spinning galaxy (requires an FPU)
Files in /pub/pugh/hyperstuff: (These will be available on Sumex soon!)
Hypercard XCMDs (These will be available on Sumex soon!)
loneranger.sit.hqx - Lone Ranger 2.0b21
Changes file type and/or creator recursively in folders
clipboard.sit.hqx - Clipboard v3.1
read and write Hypercard variables to the clipboard
hierpopup.sit.hqx - HPopupMenu 3.1.1
Hierarchical popup menus w/ lots o' tricks & features
dofkey.sit.hqx - doFKEY v3
call FKEYs from scripts by name or number
adblights.sit.hqx - Lights
control ADB Extended keyboard lights
aliaspath.sit.hqx - AliasPath
Return the pathname of the original an alias points to
makealias.sit.hqx - MakeAlias
Create a Finder alias from pathnames
finderevents121.cpt.hqx - FinderEvents 1.2.1
send commands to 7.0 Finder (copyright Apple Computer)
files.sit.hqx - Files
list files or directories in a directory
resourcelist.sit.hqx - ResourceList
list resources
volume.sit.hqx - Volume
read and set volume
copyfile.sit.hqx - CopyFile
copy files with color and position using temporary memory (fast)
timer.sit.hqx - Timer 1.1
XFCN to return time delay from screen refresh to key or mouse action
Great for psychology experiments!
forgetwindow.sit.hqx - ForgetWindow
Remove saved window position from stack
sysenvirons.sit.hqx - SysEnvirons
Create globals about hardware (Quadras and Powerbooks included)
screenlist.sit.hqx - ScreenList
Returns a list of screen rectangles, current bit depths and width &
height for each screen on your computer system in a variety of orders
drivespinning.sit.hqx - DriveSpinning
Returns False if your PowerBook HD has spun down, True otherwise
Misc Stacks (VANISHING!)
nersc.sit.hqx - NERSC
National Energy Research SuperComputer Center tour
actresses.sit.hqx - Actress List
A DB of actresses and their movies
rockyhorror.cpt.hqx - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
6 scans and sounds from the movie
zipcodes.sit.hqx - ZipCodes
List & search for zip codes in the USA and territories
topten.cpt.hqx - Top Ten
469 Dave Letterman Top 10 Lists
Files in /pub/pugh/pict: (VANISHING!)
butt-biter.cpt.hqx - ButtBiter
A lion cub biting his dad on the butt and dad yelling. From a photo
collection book. Painfully cute.
dragons-of-ice.hqx - Dragons of Ice
A dragon attacking a couple of large ice boats. This is
one of many I got from a _Best of the Dragon_ art book.
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
sheena.hqx - Sheena
Sheena, from the comic book, as drawn by Dave Stevens, creator of
The Rocketeer. From a collection of his works known as _Just
Teasing_. A must have!
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
snow-white.cpt.hqx - Snow White
She's kissing Dopey on the head. Obnoxiously cute. From a post
the-starry-night.cpt.hqx - The Starry Night
By Vincent van Gosh. From a magazine.
yavin.hqx - Yavin
A pre-production painting from Star Wars of rebel forces taking off
from the moon of Endor base to go fight the Death Star. There is a
forest, a sentry in a tower, and the gas giant looming. This is my
favorite picture from Ralph McQuarrie's collection of pre-pro art.
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
launchpad.hqx - LaunchPad
A nice shot of the Space Shuttle on the launch pad. From a calendar.
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
batman-vs-predator.hqx - Batman vs Predator
Batman fighting the Predator. From the comic.
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
yosemite.hqx - Yosemite Valley
The Yosemite valley. From a painting by Albert Bierstadt in 1866.
I was calling this Hetch-Hetchy until I saw this rock in Yosemite and
compared it with my photos of Hetch Hetchy. Ooops.
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
paolo-and-francesca.hqx - Paolo & Francesca
A painting of two lost souls from Michael Kaluta's portfolio based
on Dante's Infereno.
QuickTime JPEG compressed 24 bit!
Files in /pub/pugh/pict/macbinary-624x832: (VANISHING!)
All files are 32 bit PICTs, sized for a 16" 624 x 832 pixel monitor, stored in
Macbinary format and compressed with QuickTime's JPEG compression. Some are
compressed with QuickTime 1.5, but that shouldn't make a difference.
Our closest galactic neighbor. From _Galaxies_.
Compressed with QuickTime 1.5!
From the comic book
Another Dave Stevens work
A Monet of a nice tree by a bay
A very pretty fish. My wife does these cute things.
One of Ralph McQuarrie's Star Wars preproduction paintings
A dragon attacking a couple of large ice boats. This is
one of many I got from a _Best of the Dragon_ art book.
An eagle in a tree. From one of the wife's photo collections.
Half Dome in Yosemite as seen during a storm
Sheena from the cover of Jungle Comics by Dave Stevens
Another _Best of the Dragon_ painting
The Lagoon Nebula. From _Galaxies_
Compressed with QuickTime 1.5!
A nice shot of the Space Shuttle on the launch pad. From a calendar.
A female vampire. From the _Best of the Dragon_
A great painting of a painting on the moon showing barren moonscape
behind a corresponding lush fanasty view of the same terrain. From
an old _Omni_ magazine.
A painting of two lost souls from Michael Kaluta's portfolio based
on Dante's Infereno.
Another Dave Stevens of a witch in a pumpkin patch. Used as the
cover of the 3D comic _Seduction of the Innocent_
Another pretty fish picture done by my wife.
An exploded star with lots of background stars. Also from _Galaxies_
Compressed with QuickTime 1.5!
Sheena, from the comic book, as drawn by Dave Stevens, creator of
The Rocketeer. From a collection of his works known as _Just
Teasing_. A must have!
The classic Venus on the Half Shell, a bit cropped but classical.
Another Dave Stevens of a western woman without much more than
her guns.
A pre-production painting from Star Wars of rebel forces taking off
from the moon of Endor base to go fight the Death Star. There is a
forest, a sentry in a tower, and the gas giant looming. This is my
favorite picture from Ralph McQuarrie's collection of pre-pro art.
The Yosemite valley. From a painting by Albert Bierstadt in 1866.
A picture of the Cascade Range. Quicktime 1.5
Front of a 100 ruble note picturing Lenin profile. Quicktime 1.5
Picture of Snoqualmie Falls. Quicktime 1.5
Back of the 100 ruble note showing the Kremlin. Quicktime 1.5
Picture of Mount Olympus (on the Olympic Peninsula in WA). QT 1.5
Files in pub/pugh/pict/macbinary-624x832/ren-and-stimpy: (VANISHING!)
All of these (except Ren_2) are 32 bit PICTs, sized for a 16" 832 x 624 pixel
monitor, stored in Macbinary format and compressed with QuickTime's JPEG
compression. Ren_2 is merely a smaller size PICT.
Face it, you don't need a description of each file. You either want them or
you don't.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 19:55:23 -0400
From: breck@kirk.ecs.umass.edu (Liam Breck)
Subject: [*] New at the 4D Archive
From: breck@kirk.ecs.umass.edu (Liam Breck)
Subject: [*] liams-window-tools-db.hqx
"Liam's Famous Window Tools"
by Liam Breck (breck@zonker.ecs.umass.edu)
I think the new multi-process/window architecture of v3 is not
entirely ideal. When using many windows in an application, you
usually only need the foreground window to be active. But by default
in v3, all windows (really processes) eat processing time. This can
really bog down a lower end Mac when you have several windows open.
On top of that, ACI did not include window management functions to
open windows offset from the position of existing windows, or to build
a window menu with which buried windows can be brought to the front.
I have implemented a set of routines (entirely in 4D's language) to
address these concerns. The major features are:
% A menu bar (or floating pop-up) menu that lets you raise any current window
% A procedure to pause background windows
% Simpler open window functions that let you specify width and height,
and account for the size of any title bar
% A function to open a window in one of several stacks. Each window in
a stack is postioned offset from the other windows in the stack
% A function to open a window in a general screen location
(ie: top left, center, etc.)
% A function to keep a window in front (but still moveable and sizeable;
useful when you need to ensure that it will be in front when
switching to the app from another by clicking any of its windows)
% A process creator that can check for (and bring to the front) an
existing process with the same name or create a new one.
This source is free to all, though not in the public domain; I retain
ownership. It is copyright 1993 by William Breck. A limited license is
hereby granted to reuse this source code in 4th Dimension database
applications. You may not charge money for this source in any form, either
as part of a database application or by iteself or with a collection of
other utilities.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/liams-window-tools-db.hqx; 40K]
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1993 15:00:18 -0600
From: brian@HARPO.AMPR.AB.CA (Brian Hutchison)
Subject: [*] PlayString 4D External
PlayString is a free and simple external procedure for 4th Dimension that
will play sounds associated with characters in a string. The sounds and
characters used by PlayString are user configurable. PlayString also allows
control of the Macintosh sound volume.
Some possible uses are:
Dialing the phone
Reading characters aloud
Creating Voicemail-type messages
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/play-string-ext.hqx; 83K]
Date: 22 Jul 1993 11:58:13 -0500
From: "Hillel" <Hillel@gmq.natural.com>
Subject: [*] 4d demo for v2
Quick Code Pro, by Natural Intelligence, is a code editor extension for
4D's design environment. This is a demo, v1.0.1, for 4D version 2.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/quick-code-4dv2-101-demo.hqx; 293K]
Date: 22 Jul 1993 12:01:27 -0500
From: "Hillel" <Hillel@gmq.natural.com>
Subject: [*] QCP demo for 4D v3
Quick Code Pro, by Natural Intelligence, is a code editor extension for
4D's design environment. This is a demo, v1.0.1, for 4D version 3.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/quick-code-4dv3-101-demo.hqx; 284K]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 14:19:41 +0100
From: Christoph Reichenberger <chrei@soft.uni-linz.ac.at>
Subject: [*] Voodoo 1.4 - The version control tool
Sorry, due to the size of the package we had some troubles
uploading it. This is why the announcement did not contain
the location where the Voodoo package went.
Since I already got several mails asking there the package
went, I post this mail.
The Voodoo package is now stored in the archives as
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/voodoo-1.4.hqx; 697 K]
Try and enjoy it, it is shareware.
Christoph Reichenberger Tel.: +43-732-2468-529
Johannes Kepler University Linz Fax: +43-732-2468-426
Institute of Computer Science
Software Department Internet: ChRei@soft.uni-linz.ac.at
Altenbergerstr. 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 11:34:42 -0500
From: jbuss@sciex.com (John Buss)
Subject: (Q) "Unable to put away disk" problem.
Hi Guys.
I hope you or your contributors can help me with this one.
I'm running a Ci with sys 7.1. Attached is an UltraDrive 240S (as
the start-up drive) and a Dynatek 45meg removable. I frequently get a
message "unable to put away disk 'cos it's being shared." This only
appears with the 45meg removable and not all the time.
Needless to say it is not being shared, at least not unless it's
got a mind of its own.
Anybody got the solution?
bussy (jbuss@sciex.com)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 14:49:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: (Q) printer switch when both ports used
Hi, here is my problem:
I am using a Mac Plus to monitor and control two serial data lines.
Presently, I am using two copies of White Knight and am also saving the
output of each serial port data traffic to a log file.
I have been asked to connect a serial printer so that it could be switched
to either port and print everything that appears in that terminal window.
So, does anyone know of a solution, like a DIN-8 one input, two outputs switch
or some kind of a pass-through connector or something even more elegant.
The Axion switch does not work in this case since it does not really
increase the number of simultaneous serial ports.
Thanks for any pointers, Felix
The opinions are my own. FJK (617)253-8625
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 12:23 EDT
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: (R) Uploading Info-Mac to AOL (C)
In 11-147, Larry Wink <FDMWINK@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu> berates America On Line
for rejecting his upload of an Info-Mac bulletin in Compact Pro format.
Larry, AOL supplies its own software for communication and downloading. One
of its features is that it will automatically decompress any compressed
files that are downloaded if that option is turned on. That software
handles .sit files fine--but it does not handle .cpt files. That's why it
is strict about the format it accepts for its archives. It's to make life
easier for the novices (who often have NO shareware software at all when
they first log on to AOL), not to make life difficult for others.
Grab the file info-mac/util/stuff-it-cpt-2-sit.hqx. It will convert the
.cpt file to a .sit format acceptable to AOL, and you won't have to buy
anything. And thanks for helping distribute the bulletins!
(Should AOL offer to do the conversions? Well--check the list of files
uploaded each week: there are hundreds, and the AOL SysOps are unpaid.
Also, there are legal issues involved sometimes--I know some Salient files
are distributed with the firm restriction that they are to be kept in
AutoDoubler or DiskDoubler format and not "rearchived" using the tools of
some competitor.)
Jeff Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 93 09:03:39 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: 32-bit Enabler
In Regards to your letter <199307210440.AA20055@nwnexus.wa.com>:
> >On a SE/30 running System 7.1 and Mode 32, when I got Mathematica 2.2
> >it crashed and would not run. Getting rid of Mode 32 and installing
> >the 32 bit enabler and the enabler patch fixed this problem and
> >everything works OK. Do not use Mode 32 with System 7.1 ...
> Oh, I dunno about that, Bruce. I think you may be unnecessarily global.
> I've been using Mode32 ever since System 7.1 came out. When I first tried
> the 32-bit enabler (with Connectix patch), 32-bit addressing would turn
> on, but "about this mac" showed no effect -- all memory above 8M showed
> up assigned to the system. I went back to Mode32.
It's all individual preference. Some people have no trouble
with one, others have no trouble with the other. I had been
using the 32-bit Enabler (only suffering from being unable to
restart from MacsBug) until I started having two other strange
problems. Whenever I clicked in MicroPhone II's terminal window
it would crash, and whenever I chose Define Colors in PageMaker
it would crash.
I got irritated about the PageMaker thing, so I rebooted with
the Shift key down, after which PageMaker didn't crash. So next
I ran a conflict test using the final candidate release of
Conflict Catcher II that I use. After one restart, Conflict
Catcher told me that none of my extensions were causing the
problem and that perhaps it was related to virtual memory or
32-bit addressing. I don't use VM, but the 32-bit address rang
a bell, so I switched back to MODE32, and poof, PageMaker
worked fine. When I tried MicroPhone II again, it too worked.
In any event, I'm back on MODE32 for good now, and chalk
another one up for Conflict Catcher. It will be released at
Macworld by Casady & Greene, and believe me, it's a hot
extension manager now as well as providing the conflict tests.
It has basically all the features of all the other extension
managers and then some, including the ability to load
extensions from aliases, which is really useful for those of us
booting from RAM disk on a PowerBook, since the RAM disk can
now be much smaller.
More in a TidBITS article in the next few weeks.
cheers ... Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 8:43:48 NDT
From: Dave G. Liverman <dgl@zeppo.geosurv.gov.nf.ca>
Subject: Amplification of sound
I've become involved in preparation of an interactive display using
an LC III for a local science centre. Part of the display will involve
a narration saved onto disc and played through Supercard. I've been
experimenting using the Mac microphone and have two questions which I
hope that you people out there on the Internet may help with.
1. Is there any advantage in using a higher quality microphone for sound
The sound using the built in microphone sounds not bad to me, but what
would be the specs of an alternative microphone if used?
2. The obvious limitation on sound quality is the built in speaker with the
LC III- to my ears it's worse than that in the SE-30. I've seen adverts
and reviews of relatively expensive stereo amplified speakers, but is there
an easier and cheaper way of producing louder volume mono sound? Presumably
a small amplifier hooked up to car stereo speakers might work, so does anybody
have any experience that they could pass on?
You are welcome to e-mail me directly, or I try to keep up with
the digest. thanks in advance
Dave Liverman, Newfoundland Geological Survey, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 93 08:37:29 CST
From: "Wade Williams" <williw1@mail.auburn.edu>
Subject: AOL and Stuffit
On Wed, 21 Jul 93 19:28:27 PDT, The Moderators wrote:
>Since I'm a new subscriber to AOL (but a long time reader of Info-Mac), I
>thought it would be a nice idea to help out here. This past Monday
>I uploaded Info-Mac v11 #144 to the Macintosh Development Forum. On
>Tuesday, I was informed that the upload was NOT ACCEPTABLE for AOL.
>I had inadvertently violated the rules of the AOL Thought Police - you
>see Compact-Pro (obviously a perverted piece of shareware) is NOT an
>acceptable format for AOL. Only the Great God Stuffit(tm) shall be allowed
>in the AOL Sacred Archive. Now I've got nothing against Leonard Rosenthal,
>Raymond Lau, or even Aladdin Systems, and I keep a copy of Stuffit Expander
>(tm) and UnStuffit(tm) around to handle archive stored in those formats,
>but I use Compact-Pro for MY archives. Since I have no desire to shell
>out additional $$ for either the shareware or commercial version of
>Stuffit(tm), I will give someone else the honor of uploading to AOL.
>Actually, this is just one more reason why my stay at AOL with probably be
>very temporary.
The reason is simple. Stuffit has been the standard for archiving on AOL
since *long* before Compact Pro was introduced. Additionally, the AOL
software automatically unstuffs downloads. It does not have the capability
to unstuff other formats.
AOL is a service for the masses. As one who works there, believe me, you
would not *believe* the number of people who are completely stumped by how
to unstuff a file (those using the old version, those using the PC software
or those that just simply don't understand). Adding additional formats
would only confuse even more people.
Most people find AOL to be the most economical online service available,
and certainly the one with the best interface.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 17:25:22 CDT
From: vinko@spss.com
Subject: Apple-Link (A)
Hi Jens,
If you want to send a messge to someone on AppleLink, all you have to do is
append the "@" sign and the AppleLink host address to their address on
AppleLink. The AppleLink host is "applelink.apple.com".
For example if you want to send something to me on AppleLink you will
address your email as follows:
I hope this helps!
Vinko Tsui Vinko Enterprises
In Chicago: In Canada (Oakville):
Work: (312) 329-3455 Voice: (416) 338-7836
Home: (312) 464-3967 AppleLink: CDA1051
Date: 22 Jul 1993 09:02:07 -0600 (MDT)
From: RITCHIE <RITCHIE@corral.uwyo.edu>
Subject: Appleshare Crapout/Mirror CDROM drivers
Well, a little more digging, and I'm truly _embarassed_ to say I found the
problem to my Appleshare choke lurking in my system folder...
Mirror (and maybe other) CD ROM drive users take note:
The instructions in the readme file for the driver 3.05 update (the driver
that lets you read single session photoCDs on older Mirror CDROM drives) is
incorrect for system 7.x installation. The instructions say the usual "drag
the files over the system folder and they'll be routed into the correct
- WRONG! The system will see them all as extensions and put them ALL in the
extensions folder.
The instructions further suggest that correct installation will put both the
Mirror CD and Foreign File Access files should be in the extensions folder,
but to recognize a photoCD I had to put everything except the Mirror CD file
extension into the root system folder. So, copy all of the files to your HD,
then drag the Mirror CD extension into the extensions folder, and the rest of
the extensions (they even have the "puzzle piece" extension icon) into the
system folder.
As I recall, my NEC CD ROM drivers are similarly flakey.
So I had two subsets of drivers in different system locations (funny, I had
already figured out that Mirror gave out bogus installation instructions with
the originals), which caused my photoCDs to mount, but Appleshare to crap
If anyone from Mirror is reading this, I'd be interested to hear their
Thanks to those who responded to my query - I got some ideas for tweaking
Appleshare in the bargain!
Ritchie Boyd University of Wyoming - Center for Teaching Excellence
Internet: ritchie@uwyo.edu
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 18:09:59 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Atease HACK
Has anyone developed any utilities for use in a public Lab to
perform the following functions:
Copy Files?
Copy Disks?
See if you have inserted a DOS disk? (Major Problem!)
Maintain Floppy Disks without the power to delete HD files?
Edward Jacobs
Metro State College of Denver
Academic Computing and User Services
Denver, Colorado
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 23:43 EST
From: MNT@vms.cis.pitt.edu
Subject: Binary - Decimal XCMD
Hi there. I have got two quick questions today:
Does anyone have, or can point me to, an XCMD or XFCN for Hypercard
that will convert a binary number to a decimal number? I found one that
went decimal to binary, but not the other way.
Secondly, I remember that there used to be a server to repspond to usenet
articles to at Berkeley. If you wanted to post on comp.sys.mac.misc, for
example, you would send a message to comp-sys-mac-misc@ucbvax.berkeley.edu,
or something like that. I can't remember the exact thing, or perhaps the
server is no longer in existance. Does anyone know what the deal is, either
with me or elswhere?
Read Fritsch
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 16:14:28 EDT
From: Tony Silva <tsilva@harpo.aaec.com>
Subject: Can't get past "Welcome Screen" (R)
> Duncan Thornton <thorntn@ccu.umanitoba.ca> wrote:
> > Help! Last night I restarted my LC III after a network glitch
> > and it won't go past the "Welcome to Macintosh Screen" after
> > booting - just sits there with the Welcome screen for upwards of
> > 10 minutes.
> I have had this problem for years. By trial and error, I discovered that
> this is in fact a problem with AppleTalk. Try unplugging your LC III from
> the network. I think it will then start up normally. You can then reconnect
> to the network.
I too have had this problem and, like Fred, suspected a network
problem. However, rather than a direct Appletalk connection, I have
an Ethernet card (hooked to, among other things, a FastPath gateway).
There does seem to be a correlation between the boot problem and
network connection, but I haven't been very methodical about checking
it. Disconnecting my Ethernet cable does seem to help. A power cycling
or two also usually works.
Tony Silva, Atlantic Aerospace Elec. Corp., (617)890-4200, tsilva@aaec.com
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 15:30:11 -0500 (EST)
From: JAW7254@ACFcluster.NYU.EDU
Subject: Centris->PowerPC(A)
>>Will somebody please explain once and for all how the 68040 machines
>>will be upgradeable to the PowerPC?
At PCExpo New York (don't knock it--I got in free) I talked to a senior
member of Apple's PowerPC group, who was demo'ing the C610-housed
PowerPC model. This is the upgrade information I recevied:
1.) The C610, C650, and Q800(and, I'm pretty sure the cyclone/tempest)
will be directly upgradable by a logic-board swap, Ala the LC
2.) Selected other models will be upgradable by a PDS-slot
accelerator, probably including the Q700 and Q950, possibly the
Q900 and IICi.
(oh, add the IIVx/IIVi to those upgradable w/ a board swap.)
>>A dealer told me last week that
>>the $400-odd 601 chip will plug right into a rom socket on the Centris
I haven't heard anything about this, and it seems pretty unlikely, since
the CPU chip isn't the only thing that needs to be added to upgrade the
machine, and it is NOT identical in pinout/paths to the old 680x0 family.\
Would be nice, tho. ;-)
Jim Wise
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 10:59:37 +0000
From: Frank Tito <Frank_Tito@unixlink.uscga.edu>
Subject: Centris upgrade path to PowerPC [R]
Nathaniel Wice (nwice@mindvox.phantom.com) writes:
>Will somebody please explain once and for all how the 68040 machines
>will be upgradeable to the PowerPC? A dealer told me last week that
>the $400-odd 601 chip will plug right into a rom socket on the Centris
>motherboard. For real? Apple's never done anything so nice before, could
>it really be true?
First time I've heard of that one. From my experience, dealers are
usually not technically competent enough to figure out that you can't
plug in a lastest-generation microprocessor into a ROM socket.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 12:35:18 +0000
From: Tony.McDonald@newcastle.ac.uk (Tony McD)
Subject: Clip art of Macintoshes...
There are loads of pictures in the archives at sumex and umich etc. of
wonderful pictures like trains and spaceships and cartoon characters...but
none of Macs and stuff like that (unless you count pictures of PowerPC
chips!). Does anyone know where I might pick up some cool pictures of
things like Quadras/Centrises and PowerBooks?
I suspect that there might be a copyright problem here (but that doesn't
stop people uploading scans of paintings....)
ps as usual, I'll summarise if responses warrant.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 08:49:53 -0400
From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
Subject: Controlling LaserDisc Player from HyperCard
I remember seeing that it's possible to control a LaserDisc player from
HyperCard...like being able to say "play frame x" or "play frames x to y,"
but in all my checking, it seems that these are external commands that are
not part of standard HyperCard. Does anyone know where these commands are
available? Are they available through public domain channels (like here
on Sumex) or do I have to buy them from someone (like call Pioneer)?
Thanks for the info.
* kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 14:21:57 PDT
From: Jerry Tangren <GSW$EN@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
Subject: Express modems for the Powerbook 180
We have two faculty in our department who have Express modems on back
order with our university personal computing store. One has been waiting
since last fall and has been told that he gets the next one that comes
in. Unfortunately, Apple has pushed the promised delivery date into
Our questions: (1) Are other educational accounts having difficulty
getting Express modems? (2) Are there other products on the market
people are using that are just as good or better?
From: Jerry Tangren, Wenatchee WA
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 09:14:07 EST
Subject: External HD connection to PowerBook 140
I have been unsuccessfully attempting to hook an external HD to my PB140. I
using an APS SCSI BOY adapter and an ETC 80 meg external that was hooked to an
SE/30. The HD is internally terminated. When I boot the PB with the external
HD connected, it askes for a system disk. When I attempted to mount the
al after booting, the system freezes. I have tried changing the id numbers
turining off extensions. Anybody have any other suggestions? Thanks-Steve
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 07:55:31 -0700
From: jackr@dblues.wpd.sgi.com (John Jack Repenning)
Subject: Free memory?? What gives?? (MacOS memory layout policies)
In IM V11 #147, Harri Rehnberg writes that the Mac loads programs from
high to low memory, and won't reuse released high memory while some
other app occupies low memory (he drew a nice picture, but I won't
reproduce it here, to save space).
That can't be right, can it? There must be some further complications
of some sort.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 18:21:54 CDT
From: Mack Willingham <ZU01988%UABDPO.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: HD Lockdown
I have had it!!!!!! With what pray-tel? Deep breath......I work in a
lab where we have macs open to student use. And it would seem that every
week, some jerk has trashed some apps. I placed alias's of all the apps
on the desktop so there would be no use for them to rummage the HD looking
for an app. Today they strike again....being that I am athe night person,
and the only mac person in who works in the lab, it all falls on me. SO..
is there an shareware that will prevent a person from openning the HD, but
will still have access to the desktop. The main test of the s/w would be
it couldn't be disabled on start-up with the shift key trick. Also, it
would force the user to save to a floppy, insted of the HD. Is there any
such beast with sharp claws and a breath that would kill a moose? If so
please let me know. I know that there are a few commercial apps that can do
this, but need to use shareware....money is tight here and all that.
Mack Willingham
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 19:52:11 -0500
From: charles@calshp.cals.wisc.edu
Subject: How best to get a Mac over continent? (Q)
I need to get a MacII ci from Wisconsin to Stanford, CA. What would be the
best way of doing it? There seem to be 2 options: over postal office, or in
my car trunk. Over postal office might break the thing, of otherwise
it. In my car trunk as I drive over continent might be too much heat. I'm
thinking about sending CPU over the postal office and put monitor in my car
since CPU is more sensitive to the heat and there is not much space to place
both in my car. What do people think? There must be some who have done this
sort of things. Also, roughly how much it costs to send CPU and monitor
over postal service?
Thanks so much.
Charles C. Hsieh
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 12:08:55 +0100
From: louis@slig.ucl.ac.be (Guy LOUIS)
Subject: How to set the absolute location of HyperCard Windoids (Q)
Hello from Belgium,
For external HyperCard windows (Windoids, palettes,...), the next properties:
top, bottom, location, rectangle, ...
can be set RELATIVE to the card window of current stack.
How is it possible to set the location of such a window ABSOLUTE (i.e.
RELATIVE to the topleft of the SCREEN)?
You may E-mail me the reply, I will summerize for the net.
Many thanks
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 11:15:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dan Rolander <rolander@access.digex.net>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #147
In Info-Mac #147 Larry Wink wrote:
> I had inadvertently violated the rules of the AOL Thought Police - you
> see Compact-Pro (obviously a perverted piece of shareware) is NOT an
> acceptable format for AOL. Only the Great God Stuffit(tm)...
This seems to me to be a pretty weak flame. If they want to set a standard
on their board for compression schemes that's their business. And your
right is to discontinue the service if you desire. But since AOL has lowered
their prices, they offer the best deal around for a commercial online
service, and I think you are getting just a little too indignant over a
trivial matter.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 18:18:41 +0100
From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
Subject: Internet: macromind tour (Q)
Could someone point me to a site which has the Macromind Director presentation
of the Internet. Thanks
Francois Rossi jr10@le.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 00:59:35 -0800
From: schuyler@netcom.com (Gabriel M. Schuyler)
Subject: Keyboard bugs etc....
> On the subject of stuck keys, I wonder, how many of these keyboards are
> cleaned for dust regularly! This is usually the problem that leads to stuck
> keys.
> To repair:
> 1. turn off your Mac
> 2. find a screwdriver that will fit the screw on the bottom side of the
> keyboard or portable.
But wait! The new keyboards don't open like that! I had a chance to
easily fix a broken keyboard for a friend, where the circuit board had
popped off the mounts inside the case, easy enough, just open it and
re-seat it in the case correctly, right?
Well the new keyboards take more than a screwdriver. They've got strange
clips in places that I could open if I new where they were. . . .
Anybody know how to get the new keyboards open?
-Gabe Schuyler (schuyler@netcom.com)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 14:36:03 +0000
From: steven.taylor@mrc-applied-psychology.cambridge.ac.uk
Subject: Key quirks--Round 2.0.1
using telnet to our SUN via ethernet, on a IIci with extended kbd, I often
type 'logout' and get 'logou;t'
I am definately not tapping the ; but this will only happen to me if I
totally thrash the word out afap (as fast as possible - hate unix, can't
escape quick enough!).
I did flick through one of the Apple hardware manuals once at some of the
stuff on ADB. If i remember rightly, during a keyboard/mac interaction some
sort of attention signal is asserted to flag the keyboard's readiness to
send, and a sync pulse just preceding the keyboard data lets the two
devices lock together. These have to be held at some level for a very brief
duration. Also I think there are 'key up' signals. So imagine if you're
really hammering out some text, there may be contiguous and very rapid
keydowns and keyups - maybe the resultant data stream is losing sync
pulses, or they're there, but being run together and interpreted as part of
the key data, giving a spurious character at the end of that perceived
Don't know, this is probably garbage, wouldn't really be my first lot
either, somebody must have a better idea. (The solution even!)
Cheers all,
ps. there's a totally mad DJ on national Radio One over here called Mark
Radcliffe and he was celebrating this global Dino-Mania spawned by Jurassic
Park. I don't know if I caught what he said exactly, but it was something
along the lines of the dinosaurs being the biggest bunch of leathery
skinned scaley backed stinky old handbags to capture the public's
imagination since the Beach Boys hit it out of California. Not far off
anyway, bless'im, that or I'm the nutcase.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 12:13:21 +0000
From: Mike Brudenell <pmb1@tower.york.ac.uk>
Subject: LaserWriter 8 and A4 paper as the default (R)
Firstly, my thanks to everyone who replied to me on this matter, followed by
apologies in the delay in summarising (I've been on holiday! :-) ...
The replies fell into three broad categories:
a) Those who couldn't get A4 to stay as the default;
b) Those who had "no trouble";
c) Those who sent instructions for ResEdit-ing the LaserWriter 8 driver.
Category a)
I was one of these. Symptoms: freshly install LaserWriter 8. Open
Use Page Setup to set paper to A4. Close TeachText. Open TeachText: paper
is back to Letter.
One train of thought suggested that printing something between setting the
size to A4 and quitting TeachText would help. I believe I tried this and it
didn't work.
Category b)
Some people said they simply set the paper size to A4 and it was "magically
remembered". Well, it wasn't for me!
One train of thought thought it was important to set the Finder's paper size
A4, after which other applications would use A4 as the default. I admit I
didn't try this (used the solution below instead) but if what I understand
the below solution is right there may be some truth in this.
Others in this category said "MyPageSetup" worked just fine to alter the
default. Well, it didn't for me ... it "beeped" at me as it finished and,
although the paper size did indeed appear to be the A4 dimensions the pop-up
menu identified it as "Other."
Category c)
John Rawnsley <jhr@maths.warwick.ac.uk> kindly sent me these very clear
instructions. Which I used (with a slight modification - see below) and it
Here's my method for getting A4 defaults in US sourced printer
> 1) Take a clean copy of the driver and put it in the Extensions folder
> and use the Chooser to select it.
> 2) Do a Page Setup in the Finder and choose A4.
> 3) Open the driver with ResEdit and locate the fPRT resource of ID 0.
> Open it (with the Hex editor), Select All and Copy.
> 4) Open PREC 0 with the Hex Editor (NOT the template), Select All and
> then Paste.
> 5) Save and Quit.
I found that doing steps 3) and 4) *didn't* give me an fPRT resource. I had
actually print something from the Finder (e.g., Print Window) before an fPRT
resource was created.
I *think* what's happening is that the Finder's paper size setting is being
stored in the fPRT resource, and that the default paper size is kept in PREC
The trick is to use the Finder to set up its information correctly for A4
(all the sizes, offsets, etc.) and then replace the default entry.
As I said before, there may be simpler ways but this one definitely works!
Mike B-)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 10:36:29 CEST
From: Carlo Viviani <ax433!MC3687@relay.iunet.it>
Subject: Lw 8 Out Of Paper Bug
Hi netters,
anyone knows how to solve this bug (?) in the LW 8 printer driver?
When the printer is out of paper, no alert message is displayed and the
printing stops. Adding the paper, the print resumes.
I have a Mac IIci 8/160, Sys. 7.1, Personal LW NTR.
Thanks for your help,
Carlo. <mc3687@mclink.it>
PS Answer in mailbox, please!
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 10:20:44 EDT
From: TIM CASTLE <castlet@gtewd.mtv.gtegsc.com>
Subject: MacTCP on a Quadra 800
Well, much to everyone else's envy, we got our Quadra 800 in a couple of
weeks ago. At first, we couldn't get the Ethernet to work, and it took a
visit from Apple Service and a logic board swap to fix it.
Now I'm trying to set it up with MacTCP. I've got version 1.1.1, running
under System 7.1, with 32-bit addressing, 24 MB RAM, and a reasonable set
of extensions and control panels; nothing weird. When I try to run a TCP
program (such as TurboGopher or Telnet), I get an error that says "Failed
to initialize the MacTCP driver (-23004)" My System Errors 7.0.1 DA tells
me that means "Can't get address" but there's nothing to say what address
it can't get.
MacTCP is configured for "Obtain Address Manually," the gateway address
is correct, the DNS names and addresses are correct, the node address is
correct, but it just won't work! Does anyone know of any problems with
MacTCP on Quadras w/ built-in Ethernet?
Until I hear from you I am champing at the bit bucket...
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 10:52 EDT
From: Byron.Mayes@MVS.UDEL.EDU
Subject: MacTCP v2.x
Okay, just what is different about and what are the enhancements to MacTCP
v2.0 over version 1.1.1? My (sickeningly DOS-based) University doesn't seem
to want to upgrade unless there's some real advantage (apparently it costs to
upgrade?) and noone here even seems to be aware that the new version is
available or even upcoming.
They don't know very much when it comes to Macs here anyway.
Byron C. Mayes Byron.Mayes@MVS.udel.edu
University of Delaware byronc@brahms.udel.edu
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 14:11:09 -0500
From: alfred!vicstoy!n1mnb.oau.org!brad@osceola.cs.ucf.edu (Brad Ackerman)
Subject: MacWorld/Boston info (A)
I had Mitch Hall Assoc. fax me the info on MacWorld/Boston for all of you
lazy slobs. :) This is most of what I got:
NOTE: This is at the Bayside Exposition Centre and the World Trade Centre.
Ticket Prices: On-Site (Begin 9AM) (Preregistration deadline
------------- ------- was 25 June)
Exhibits only: $30.00 Cash only (Early-bird Registration:
Conference* & Exhibits: $130.00 2 August 1993, 1100-1500)
*Conferences are on a first-come, first-served basis with no guaranteed
seating & are subject to change without notice.
Exhibition Hours: Conference hours:
---------------- -----------------
3-5 August 1000 to 1800 August 3-5, 1993 1030-1800
6 August 1000 to 1500 August 6, 1993 1030-1430
Fly American Airlines and Save.
Receive savings on applicable fares when you fly American Airlines to the
expo. Cal 1-800-433-1790 and ask for Star File #S-1083AL. *Savings on
applicable fares only.*
Car Rental Discounts from Hertz.
Renting a car? You'll get a great rate from Hertz. Call 1-800-654-2240
and ask for Convention #11197.
Services for the Physically Challenged.
Services are avaliable to help make the Macworld Expo experience more
enjoyable for the physically challenged. Call 1-800-945-3313 for more
Hotel Information:
[I didn't feel like typing in all of this stuff. If you really need hotel
info this late in the game, mail me and I will send you the FAX as a TIFF
Downtown Shuttle Stops:
Copley Square - (C) Corner of St. James and Dartmouth Streets.
Boston Common - (B) Corner of Boylston and Tremont Streets.
Continuous Shuttle Service:
Continuous shuttle service between Bayside & World Trade during posted hours.
Continuous shuttle service between South Station & World Trade during
posted hours.
Shuttle Schedule: (Subject to change)
3-5 August: 0900-1100: Downtown Morning Shuttle
0900-1800: Baside Expo & World Trade Express
0900-1900: South Station shuttle
1700-1900: Downtown Evening Shuttle
6 August: 0900-1100: Downtown Morning Shuttle
0900-1500: Baside Expo & World Trade Express
0900-1600: South Station shuttle
1400-1600: Downtown Evening Shuttle
Okay, here's some of my own info on subway routes, being a Bostonian for 10
years before my parents moved to Fl*r*da.
There are two main train stations in Boston. North Station is the
northbound commuter hub, and South Station is the southbound commuter and
Amtrak hub.
DO NOT get off at Malden Centre if you are taking the Haverhill line to the
conference. You can get there with the Orange Line, but the train seats
are nicer, and you won't save much time.
World Trade Centre
>From North Station: Take the Green Line inbound to Park, then Red Line to
South Station (just to be safe, check a subway map inside the station, or
call MBTA--they're in 800 Directory). A shuttle bus runs between South
Station and World Trade Centre regularly.
>From South Station: Exit, await the shuttle. They'll be a crowd of fellow
nerds :) waiting for it as well.
Bayside Exposition Centre
>From North/South Station: Check a map to find the shortest route from your
location to JFK/UMass. Think it's either Red or Orange, but not sure.
Bayside is within walking distance, and the T employees can point you in
the right direction.
Date: 22 Jul 1993 10:44:43 U
From: "Charlott Low" <charlott_low@tsl.texas.gov>
Subject: NCSA Telnet
" <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
The Automated Information Services (AIS) division in our agency
is planning to dump TCP Connect II (1.1.1) in favor of NCSA Telnet,
because its free and they don't want to have to keep track of
logon keys for each person.
I seem to remember hearing folks couldn't stand it, but can't
remember why. Would folks with direct experience with
Telnet clue me in?
TIA, Charlott
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 16:02:53 -0400
From: Clint Hyde <hyde@sartre.ads.com>
Subject: NEC LC 8xx printers
I need to get a new "PC" cartridge for my NEC LC890. they're about
$150 around here. does anyone else have a suggestion as to where I can
mail-order one for less than that?
-- clint chyde@ads.com
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 12:26:56 +0000
From: bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Malcolm Bebb)
Subject: No need for SCSI cable gripe!
I too have found (UK) vendors happy to supply daisy chain instead of Mac
SCSI cables. But, as RITCHIE <RITCHIE@corral.uwyo.edu>, daisy chain is not
the default - you have to ask.
Malcolm bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Usual disclaimers apply)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 09:18:31 PDT
From: cabel@gdwest.gd.com (Charles E Abel)
Subject: PowerBook 100 need help
I have a friend that has a PowerBook 100. He has a stylewriter2
printer. The PowerBook does not support the "grayshare" features of
the stylewriter2. He has called the apple hot line, and they said it
was because the PowerBook 100 has a 68000 chip instq
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 00:13:28 -0700
From: daman@scripps.edu (DnA...)
Subject: PowerBook styled keyboard(Q)
I am looking for a PowerBook styled keyboard for my Mac Quad 800, where the
mouse/track ball is located below the space bar. Is there such a keyboard
Please send your email directly to me, and I will post a summary if there is
enough response.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 13:18:02 +0200
From: dfuller@estwm1.wm.estec.esa.nl (David Fuller, Microgravity Division,
Subject: Query about Serial LaserWriter drivers
Some years ago I saw that there were LaserWriter drivers that allowed you to
choose this driver from the CHOOSER and select a serial port to send out of.
All that was needed (aside from the driver, of course) was a printer cable to
go from the Mac to the LW. Is there still such an animal out there? Does it
work on S7.1? Where can I download it from?
Please reply direct to dfuller@estwm1.wm.estec.esa.nl.
Thanks in advance,
Date: 22 Jul 1993 08:16:42 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: Random Number Generator
When I need an random number table, I use Excel's RAND fuction to create
one. If a specific range is necessary, you just need to use the proper
multiplier and the INTEGER function.
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 02:02:38 CDT
From: Paul Koch <BSEN046@UNLVM.UNL.EDU>
Subject: Random Number Generator (A)
Two random number generators that I know of:
Microsoft Excel 4.0 generates random numbers corresponding
to various probability distributions (uniform, normal, etc.)
Language Systems Fortran has library function
for generating random numbers from uniform distribution.
Paul Koch
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 14:50:40 EDT
From: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca (Steve Portigal)
Subject: Rapmaster NOT! (Q)
Anyone know what makes Rapmaster put a NOT! message on the top of the
I've managed to get it when playing voiceover and scratching rapidly, but
don't know exactly what it's telling me...
| Steve Portigal, Dep't of CIS, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1
| email: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext 3580
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 06:35:54 BST
From: Richard Smith <richard@mole.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Sigma LaserView help needed
Can anyone supply me with a copy of the Sigma software to drive a Sigma
LaserView 19inch High-Res screen?
The screen works, but not ever so well!
Hardware & Systems Executive
NorthEast Macintosh User Group
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 13:19:09 -0500 (CDT)
From: Russell Cotton <rcotton@tenet.edu>
Subject: System 7.1 & 7.1.1 Questions
Somewhere I heard that Apple is offering a discount on upgrades to System
7.1 or 7.1.1 (I don't know which) for people who already own System 7.0 or
7.0.1. Is this true? Also, Where can I buy System 7.1.1 (Applescript) and
how much does it cost. I already own System 7.0.1.
* Russell Cotton *
* rcotton@tenet.edu *
Date: 22 Jul 1993 07:23:39 -0500
From: "Marc Leroux" <Marc_Leroux@ultryx.com>
Subject: Tab key in Hypercard
I've tried everything that I can think of and still can't get this to work. I
would like to, within Hypercard, control the fields that the user goes to when
pressing the tab key. I know that I can use the "bring forward/move back"
commmands, but this gets awkward if I put any new fields in. I know I can trap
the tab key with "on tabKey", but the command to move to a specific field
eludes me. Any ideas?
Marc Leroux
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 93 08:42:43 +1000
From: jquiggin@coombs.anu.edu.au (John Quiggin)
Subject: Typing tutors (Q)
Does anyone know of a reasonably current freeware or shareware typing
tutor. I have a couple of old ones lying about (Typing Helper is about the
best) but they don't seem to be at all stable under System 7.1.
John Q
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 14:19:26 EDT
From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
Subject: Update on Word 5.1/IIci Prob
Well, we're not positive about this yet, but I *think* we found the problem.
Thanks for those of you that sent suggestions. No, it wasn't the prefs file.
No, it wasn't an INIT. No, it wasn't even a *bad* system file.
As far as we've been able to tell, it is a conflict between Word,
System 7.1, and the video board we have installed. It's a Radius
Precision Color 824x, and it seems we have an "old" ROM and driver software.
That is, if you can call 14 or 15 months "old". Microsoft mentioned on the
*first* tech support call that they'd had a few problems with Radius Pivots,
and so we decided to unhook the monitor from the Radius board and use the
built-in video. Sure 'nuf, everything worked perfect. So during a call to
Radius, the tech support guy said that they weren't sure if the ROMs I had
were compatible with Sys 7.1. I feel sure it wasn't the driver software,
since with a minimal system and zero inits, Word still crashed in 32 bit
If any of you have the same problem or the same Radius board, the
ROM version we had was 1.21, and the latest is 1.40. The upgrade costs
about $25. We're ordering it soon, and we'll see if that fixes things.
No other programs are crashing, but Radius said it might affect any
application for no apparent reason if it affected Word. We're going to try
downgrading to System 7.0.1 (which, by the way, *I* don't see as much
worse than 7.1) and check if that's the problem. It's probably the reason
that this crashing showed up when it did: that's about when we installed
I'll send along the "final word" after we get the upgrade and test it
with 7.1. Thanks again for the suggestions.
Brandon Munday
Progress consists of replacing obvious errors with more subtle errors.
Date: 22 Jul 93 15:44 GMT
From: HYPROTECH.BW@AppleLink.Apple.COM (Hyprotech, Bernhard Wieser,CAS)
Subject: uuparse etc.
Can anyone e-mail me info. on how to contact the author of uuparse?
Bernie Wieser
(P.S. My s-mail address is changing. E-mail me. Thanks.)
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 19:50:08 -0500
From: charles@calshp.cals.wisc.edu
Subject: Video Compact vs. Video (Quicktime) (Q)
I understand that the Video Compact (now known as Cinepak) setting of
compresses better, though taking more time, than Video setting. Is there any
quality variation?
Charles C. Hsieh
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 18:07:40 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: When should I purchase a Apple CD300
When do you suggest that I purchase a Apple 300CD external CDROM?
What are the current price for a new cd300 that has 2x and photoCD??
I thought I heard that apple lowered the price but they are still 600 at
my local CW Electronics store...
Edward Jacobs
Date: 22 Jul 1993 13:00:14 U
From: "Kaufman Peter" <kaufman_peter@bcgmac.bcgny.com>
Subject: WonderPrint/DeltaTao Address (Q)
Does anyone have a phone number, address, e-mail, etc., for a company called
DeltaTao? They make a print driver add-on called WonderPrint.
Peter Kaufman
The Boston Consulting Group
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 93 08:43:12 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: Zapping PRAM
In Regards to your letter
> You neglected to include in Info-mac the procedure to do this. Perhaps
> you could direct me to a source? I have an SE/30 that continually gives
> me strange errors and 'hangs'... maybe this would help a bit.
Whoops, sorry about that! To reset the PRAM under System 7, while
rebooting the Mac, hold down:
The Mac will boot normally give the happy Mac, and then will reboot
again. That's when you can let up on the keys.
It will erase all sorts of configuration information like highlight
color and mouse speed and all that.
For more information, check out TidBITS#104/System7 in the archives
at sumex (it's in a chunk of 10 in the info-mac/per/tb directory).
cheers ... Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 23:21:12 -0600
From: USENET News System <news@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
Path: rintintin.Colorado.EDU!lorenzo
From: lorenzo@rintintin.Colorado.EDU (Eric Lorenzo)
Subject: Anyone use A3 mouse by Mouse Systems?
Message-ID: <1993Jul22.052108.27877@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
Followup-To: poster
Sender: news@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (USENET News System)
Nntp-Posting-Host: rintintin.colorado.edu
Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 05:21:08 GMT
Lines: 18
I was wondering if any has used the A3 mouse that is made by Mouse
Systems. Both MacWarehouse and MacConnection carry them (MacConnection for
$11 less). I was thinking it would be handy to have three mouse buttons;
using the left one as the normal click/double click button, the middle one
for copying/cutting and the right one for pasting. I'm very used to using
three buttoned mice with Xterminals.
So, how well do these mice work and how much can a person actually
'program' into the button clicks? Any responses appreciated, except maybe
ones telling me how 'un-Mac' a 3-buttoned mouse is =)
P.S. If anyone also knows of a mail order place that carries this mouse
for less than $77 (including shipping), please let me know.
Eric J. Lorenzo
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1993 09:54:31 -0500
From: pepper@rockvax.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (Chris Pepper)
Does anybody know if this can work? It runs on my (borrowed)
Quadra, but not on my Duo 230. Which PBs have an alternate sound?
Thx -- L8r
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 93 09:24:12 PDT
From: cabel@gdwest.gd.com (Charles E Abel)
Subject: PowerBook 100 need help
I have a friend that has a PowerBook 100. He has a stylewriter2
printer. The PowerBook does not support the "grayshare" features of
the stylewriter2. He has called the apple hot line, and they said it
was because the PowerBook 100 has a 68000 chip instead of a 68020,
68030, or 68040 chip.
Are there any hacks, or work arounds to solve this problem?
Please respone to Chuck Abel
at cabel@gdwest.gd.com
End of Info-Mac Digest